Thanks for the responses, and I found the problematic word. Apparently it's "global" because not matter where I placed it an -BLAM!- came up until...
Hey, I was making a map, and after I had saved a message came up saying that I had used a forbidden word but I'm not sure what it is. My...
I actually think someone has already done this, but another try couldn't hurt.
That's the frame of the level. Nothing really special, every map has one. Congrats on finding on though.
For Halo 3, it took Bungie something like 24 hours to make a single lightmap. No thanks.
A better tip for close-quarters kills is Rumble Pit, and Oddball. You can easily get 20 kills in that mode.
Class 1 SCAR-Silenced M93R Akimbo Claymore Stun Grenades One Man Army/Scavenger Stopping Power Ninja/Commando CLASS 2 M21 EBR Silenced...
Conquest is like it, but it's always linear. No flanking, just foward.
I laughed so hard during this.
Did I Wipe
[spoiler] On topic, boss fights are bad. Fighting Tartarus in Halo 2 was a bad way to end the game, especially when it was followed by, "Finishing...
They probably got bored. Besides, it's not like your system renders it all at once, they use portals so there isn't much of a toll on your system,...
Some of those objects are necessary, like that box. If they haven't changed the way they make maps much since CE, that's the frame. I forget what...
Try jumping through the window instead of going through the door. That's what I did for my legendary playthrough.
I need to become better with heavy weapons, Rocket Launchers, Machine Gun turrets, everything.
1. Mass Effect 2 2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 3. Doom 4 4. Half-Life 3 5. Halo: Reach
Donkey Kong.
This is a thread about video game characters we hate. I hate Miranda Keyes. I explained why. "its a game" doesn't mean anything in a thread about...
Halo Wars is a terrible game. The story is so horrible, that it alone kept me from buying it. Then I saw that the main tactic is rushing, which...
A galaxy full of life is more important than 2 people. Don't say I'm, wrong. You know it's true.