Awesomely awesome cool madness. I actually didn't think of nearly something so creative and original for something on longshore. Well done for the...
Sorry mate, but I would have to download the second one. The use of the black and white filters, imo, are used too much and don't look as cool....
That's odd, I seem to remember getting mine about a year ago in MLG. I thought it was to "ENTER" a playlist with 7 exp, so try going in while you...
I actually only recently downloaded all of the updated MLG variants (v7) and was amazed to see no MLG Citadel. I went in search of one, and found...
Wow, i initially thought that the last picture was an awesome looking hallway, only to read that it was a look down from the top :(. Awesome map...
I have absolutely no idea what either of those are taken from, but i think that the first one looks pretty cool.
I have to say, number 3 is horrible. Number 4 is cool but i've seen it done before. Number one is sick. And number 2 is even better. GW mate.
Point taken. I'll remember that one. But i seriously won't buy a Call of Duty game until they remove the game of: Grenade Spamming GODDAMNED...
I do it ALL the time. The thing that really annoys me though, is when you honk at someone a million times and they just kill you. What i often do...
I think that this is one of the most amazing aesthetic maps i have ever seen. And i have seen a LOT of aesthetic maps (especially considering this...
Including text on explaining where the screenshots are take (eg. side B Sniper Tower) or something is very useful for someone using your thread....
It maeks u play betr! Buy it Nao!!!! No seriously, why does everyone want this????? I mean, if my girlfriend came round and saw my goddamned...
From what i can see, you have a guy standing there while another guy sits there lobbing grenades at him for 10 minutes or so until you think you...
Very well detailed explanations of game variants. Thanks. I can see that you have put a lot of time and effort not only into the map itself, but...
1:09-1:14 = Supermegaultraspecialomgwtfbbqhax fail.
I don't know about you, but i certainly don't rush the sniper and then scope on camo until i see someone grab it. You would probably be getting...
I personally, don't understand the point of recreating a map that is on the same game... I mean, why play this when you can just play normal...
The custom powerup is equally as acquirable for both teams. However, the custom powerup, imo, is far too powerful on this map (mainly because it...