just because you use mlg gametypes dosn't mean its mlg. read the mlg standards thread.
@pinohkio: this map is obviously going to have spawn killing whatever you do. OT: i can kinda see how this could be a warm up before you start...
the bases of this map look really good. i don't think you know or play much mlg though. - no map has 8 maulers - no map has that many grenades...
sorry, camping spot on the sides of the bases has to go. and the middle is kinda weird, im not sure how it'll play out in mlg. it was a good...
how is that even possible? your map is soo ridiculously small its not even funny, unless you don't fix a few things up as i have already mentioned...
seems like a good map and you've obviously put a bit of effort into this. i don't think it suits mlg really though because the spawns on the map...
Originally Posted by Homepage | Major League Gaming *This is an article posted by Nasty detailing H3's strengths and weaknesses and a few solid...
what has he done to the map exactly?
havn't really done much but deleted everything and put rockets and a powerup on the map you could hardly call that your own map. dose it play...
make a 2nd level along the side of the map and/or make a bridge acorss the centre.
well i like the design of the map but as a mlg map its kinda bad. most of the people posting in this thread like the look of the map so they give...
yea not a problem... i will also test this map with a few of my mates so ill get back to you with some more stuff for the map if anything comes up.
its a pretty simple kill if you have one.. usually they are placed on the map to counter the customs powerups and even then i wouldn't suggest...
even though ive only just registered ive been on forge hub for bout 1 year now and pretty much only for mlg maps. this is the best mlg map so...
well the spawn killing is going to be insane on this map.... kinda average map.. it dosn't look like you took to much time making this, i could...
its kinda difficult to see the whole map but from what i can see the map is looking pretty good. also in the 2nd last pick those 2 side walls...
i don't think you can get killed by the killball so i don't think it matters. i guess he just put it in for the effect. i like how you've used...
the maps looks really good and it seems like you put a lot of effort in it. i would suggest putting some other weapons on the map like a sniper or...
i think its kinda similar to onslaught and i can see that a basic set up for ctf would be to lock down top mid. if a team is getting spawn...
this map is sick... a lot of fun with the brute shots and grav hammers, interlocking is perfect and the surface is smooth only 1 problem, after...