Wow... I mean just wow. This looks stunning! I did a double take at first thinking this was built by 343. The visuals are completely unlike what...
Put it down for slayer. Edit: Probably should have just been private messaging you. Thanks for your patience.
Yeah my bad I was half asleep when I posted. Anywhere from 4v4 to 8v8 but preferably want to test 8v8. Game type is just the standard Arena Slayer...
GT: Crypocalypse Map: Checkpoint
Just googled 8pm EST and got 12pm my time so I should be good.
I'm in Australian time so +10GMT. 17 hours from now for me would be midday for me I believe. If there's room sign me up! And the map to be tested...
I'm terrible with time zones but has this already happened or is it still going ahead? I'm down for some customs and have a btb map I'd love to...
Oh back in the day Asset was the ****. Can't believe they removed VIP from custom games. And yeah still forging. I stopped soon after Halo 4 came...
Ahah no pressure right! Thanks Xandrith. If you download it, it's only currently setup with initial spawns.
Solid effort. Resemblance feels somewhat familiar, but the aesthetics that make Rats Nest what it is aren't there. Currently how it is now feels...
Checkpoint - an ODST reimagining Hey Forgehub! Its been some time since I sat back down into forge and pushed my creativity back into overdrive....
Not possible. As nice as it would be, the decals remain a darker colour of whatever they're placed on.
So not sure if this a bug or a feature request, but the glass forge pieces seen on Antifreeze are non existent on any menu, even during forge on...
I think its a good move for 343 to flex there new found power and release smaller games between their big titles. I'm not a windows person though,...
Well Im gonna stand back for a while, like I've already been doing, and wait until things have settled.
Hi Berb, I just spoke to Audienceofone asking about the map I submitted to the 2v2 competition and he never actually tested it. He mentioned that...
Best thing in this situation is to grab a buddy and bounce ideas around. I usually have the same thing happen to me, but whenever I co-forge...
Long LoS isnt necessarily a bad thing as long as there are is sufficient cover to be able to avoid it. In a map with 2 levels, raised sides and...
Cheers man. Actually Narrows did have some part in our inspiration but I think it ended up being lost among the ton of forerunner stuff we looked...
Its all done but we don't like to release download links until its ready for posting.