Hey whats up guys? This question pertains to some "pro-forge maps", that seem to have vast quantities of double boxes and such on thier Foundry...
It would be cool if Longshore was on a giant carrier boat, alongside the shore of a small/ blocked off island. Your can have access to both the...
Thanks man for the help. I think I have a better understandi ng of geomerging now. And I also DLed your map
cool , thanks
Alright dude, I guess I'll try to do that, thanks for helping me out though.
Hey man, I can help, but its kind of a hard job for 1 person to recreate such a vast structure from the interior and outside. It depends wether...
Yeah dude, i always forge in local by myself (i got no friends =P). So I doubt thats the reason. But here is how I forge: 1. Put the wanted...
Hey, I'm trying to make a new map on Sandbox's crypt and whenever I try to geomerge anything into the curvy walls of sandbox, they always manage...