ya it took a lot of pausing and playing before i got it just right. :lol:
because it is........
greetings friend
"Oh a Dagger" is a screen shot that happened because of a fortunate glitch. If you think a dagger is just as cool or cooler then a Katana post...
Thank you and i am making a map that has this screen shot in it. the map will be released in a week or so
ya i would have them but i ran out of money
Hail satan lol
no religion some ways yes i am Laveyan but that is my business. first rule of being a satanist is to not speak about it to outsiders.
The point is to show just how dumb the cross pics are and i knew i would get flamed sooner or later XD
My screen shot is about Satan's rise not his fall. Satan''s star is not always upside down. the only reason it is show upside down is because the...
I am not saying that god is not there just that i don't need to see his imagery every where i look in halo its pissing me off. Satan''s star is...
Thank you everyone and if you really want the map send a message to me on xbox live and i will send it too you.
I have edited a map before.........=.=
Download to support the cause!!!!!
This screen shot is a play off of the popular screen shot "I love Him." of the spartan kneeling in front of the cross. Mostly the reason I made...
I have taken all your advice about my map and my map i will be coming out with shortly i did make the cover more artistic in its appearance.
sorry first post so my second map you can expect more.
It does have an elevator in it but there is no pools and ya a lot of people have been telling me the diff between a motel and hotel. i thought...
Lol XD very nice and thanks
I will have inside pics up in a couple of days and thanks for the input Keep on downloading lol the argument stopped...... to the top to...