Make sense please! :lol:
Hey Natu you are retarded i forgot who was the one that made the screen shot? you Dumb@!#%.. So I suggest that you GTFO because you are stupid!...
Im glad you liked it most of the people sayed it was bad..
Thats funny because when i made the screen shot i shot a rocket in the back of me and blew up a mongoose in front of me! So natu i think u should...
Oh k i see what you are saying!
no.. Why?
What? For what screenshot?:confused:
Yup thats me Spartan!
Hey im II Sharpshot II .. Message me up!
Thank you! :monitor:
Yea thanks E dee
Natu that's pretty funny because there is only 2 screen shots that have plasma grenades you just probably need to look more clearly! :haha: FAIL!
Alright RightSideTheory is that good! I hope I did it right enjoy!
1.[IMG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.[IMG]...