ehhh the only reason I posted this here was just to confirm whether somebody already did it or if it was a good idea. I will get cracking on the...
ughhh I can't post attachments... I'll just show when it's done... that's a high and mighty statement you're throwing around there, if there are...
blah blah blah blah FORUM RULES DEBATE blah blah blah...who cares?
haha, away I go then :p
For a while now I've really enjoyed listening to Punk-rock, mainly because it's just fast paced rock. The band I mostly listen to is Bad Religion,...
I've been working on it for about a week now, and all I have to do is put some stairs and a roof on, and I have recreated the warehouse from the...
huh, when I first saw it I assumed it was invisible swords...kind of looks likes swords right?
I doubt they'll end up letting us use swears, with the Service Tag in Halo 3 at the moment, they won't even let us write P53... I'd probably end...
Hey do us a favor and go to your messages on and take a screenshot of the message he sent you and post it here.
This is an obstacle course map I made, and that is me demonstrating how to complete it. YouTube - Halo 3: Ponponhead's 4th Test
I was asking a question, it wasn't answered. I already had mods.
ok, at this point all I want is to be able to freely travel between the islands as soon as I pick up the game. What I DON'T want is to have to do...
Darn it, I didn't mean to word it that way. I don't necessarily want to use my actual xbox data, but I was wondering if somehow it'd be possible...
I was wondering if it is at all possible to import save game files on GTA IV PC? I'm wanting to buy it but I was wondering if I had to start from...
So if you can't delete them, when you actually want to use them, do you just pick them up and move them to that spot, even though it's from the...
Yeah i figured that out too, I based some obstacle courses off of the fact some people still don't know it.
Not sure if anybody has discovered this yet, but any part of the kill ball isolated from the center does not have any effect.
Then why do they remove modded maps from file shares?
Basically the same deal as the easter eggs on Sandtrap eh?
What do you mean, what are they going to do? They could do the same thing they do with people having mods in their file share, they'd either...