Atlanta5321 said: no a 360 is the same as turning around... all u xbots keep complaining since ODST is a Wii exclusive. id be jealous like u too....
i know n00bs are a pissoff, but let's try and act mature about this guys, thanks for the post :D!! i hope to really improve!! if ne one wnts to...
Great thread! I would love to see the SB used in a map. It is a powerful weapon in a small map and it has great shield draining abilities! It's...
Ok, I am looking for a few decent/ goodish players to play through MLG, Team Slayer, and squad battles... I would like to make a clan, but I don't...
lololol what's goin on man? hope everything is cool with you i made a new account, check it, already have an overkill in team slayer, pretty sick...
ooo i wna find ppl i havent had a mike for a while so i havent been able to get together a good party :P check me out: datmorganman92 and it's...
you is still online magn!!
there are always those asses :P but im all excited for it and i hope they bring back elites as epic honor gaurds !!!!!
yeah i do understand that, but multiplayer plays fine in big team honestly though you are correct bc we dont know how much action is goin to be...
As most of us, if not all of us, know that "Firefight" is coming with ODST and for me is very exciting... i love horde in gears 2 and for Halo to...
10 seems to work with me maybe i go lower sometimes for close quarters play and snipers but idk, i would think that using a higher sensitivity...
oh crap.. my bad :P
id love to, i been trying to get my 50 in SWAT :P so hard... but i never have a team, love to help ya man my highest was 43... i was getting there...
What sensitivity do you use? and what is the average MLG sensitivity, if you know? I use 7-10, but i always try to use 10 I like the crazy fast :D!
ZOMG!!! but ur not gna be able to get that reconz!?!?!?! :P
how does the giving proceed is it magiks?? how is it done fine sir?
Really? shite i needa find some good team mates for that... how do you acquire your recans after defeating them?? and you know this means i can...
Well you can use a free program which is available on the interwabs it's called the "Videora Ipod converter" works for me and comes with a Youtube...
Dude i think I'm gna get a new account and btw you know about this whole 7/7 thing with bungie emplyees? what's goin on with that?
Hey fellow! what's goin on?