so in general the best maps are balanced this shod not need to be stated but there allot of unbalanced maps where its kill all zombies for 20...
i dont get much of a chance to play custom games but i always whatid to make a Infection map. so my question to the community is what do u think...
hole #### thank your friend for finding this. now lets see what crazy stuff we can do with this.
I have found 2 problems with my map for the compatishon 1. spawns are not working as they shod basically when territory 1 gets taken attackers...
thanks i will tri the shield door ider as but still have fusion coils to kill the driver so he can get back to killing just not in a wrath. still...
I am making a map for the Shell Shocked Contest and i need to kill off the tank at 1 point the problem is 32 fusion coils and lots of propane...
I was trying to make my map when I noticed some strange going ons with the elephant. 1. drivers are not effected by any explosives including guse...
tri makeing a map baset on a film/tv show 4 exsampel lost make a big iland with a polerbaer on it "thats when i stopt waching it"
got a big problem with the elephant ..... u cant get 1 past the uler they r just to big especially at they're starting points or at lest its to...
what I wood do in this sichoashon it make 2 maps call 1 abc(ctf,jug,tdm,vip) and the uler abc(Assault,Territories,koth,oddball) or something like...
what "pompom polloway"?
I have had this idea from halo 1 using sidewinder but there was no practical way of scoring. I can’t archly make this at the moment as my TV is...
hi my gamertag is Shooot Me I am for Scotland. be have been playing around in forge for a bit but no1 on my friends list "plays custom matches" so...