So while I love the "new" halo 4 gameplay, I've been kinda wanting some of that old school, classic Halo gameplay. Rushing for the power weapons...
What someone should do is go into all the maps on halo 4 that are on disc and Dlc and add permanent weapon spawns, to get the real classic feel....
Not that i am aware of unfortunately. If there is I'd love to know how.
That is a great idea. The only problem is Grifs can't move. Rigging it that way would require a perfcet combo of jumping into the teleporter, and...
Hey guys, me and my friend we're talking and we thought it'd bee cool to make an "Ultimate Frisbee" Griffball variant. The Griff wouldn't be able...
The thing that bothers me about ordinance is 1. It's random 2. They all have the same spawn time 3. Everyone knows where they spawn That...
As much as I love infinity slayer, the ordinance drops, and supply drops, I do miss the old school weapons on map game types. The holding an area...
So I've downloaded a couple of headlong remakes, but nothing seems to satisfy the itch. They all seem just a tad too much different. Maybe I'm...
Thanks guys! :) Keep spreading it around! I appreciate it
And what should this custom powerup do?
BOUNCY HOUSE!!!! Ok so I know the name is unoriginal, but I suck at naming things. But I bring it to you none the less! Bouncy house Is...
Dang, if this reminded you of a lasertag arena....I wanna go there lol.
Its in that gametypes options. Im not sure if its in "base playere traits" or like "assualt" options
I put a death barrier up top and you shouldnt die when you go downthe "shaft" area. But i'll tweak the spawns but im not sure i get the reasoning...
Alright cool, I'll do that. Any other suggestions?
Jetpack Griffball!! I know this has been thought of before, but I'm not sure its been made yet. Its nothing super fancy, but it'll get the job...
I've made a new and one of my first maps in Halo Reach. I made a box and set it to a 45 degree angle and have built a Symmetric Team based map. It...
Since its on a forty-five degree angle, there are two "floors" that you can walk up and down. I said it was "inception" like cuz your like walking...
So how does the game play? Are there a set number of zombies and humans and only one life? So do the ninjas and pirate "teams" stay the same?