Wow. This map is really good looking. And I personally don't think cover would be too much of an issue on Paradiso since you have several...
Wow. If this map doesn't get some sort of recognition or reward, I will be disappointed. The gameplay looks solid from the video, and the...
I also found Reaching perfection to be very helpful. I'm still new to level design and I'm using the forge lessons there to help me out with my...
This map is extremely beautiful. You have a download from me just for that. But I am not sure about gameplay because it is very open and pretty...
This map looks extremely well forged and would probably have good gameplay as well. I'm downloading right now to test it out. I also noticed some...
This is by far the most beautiful map I have ever seen in Forge. Well done. This will get a permanent spot on my hard drive.
This looks like a really cool map. I can't really give you much feedback because I'm still a little new to forging and I'm not too good at...
Terravoid By Kirov 099 Players: 2-8 Supported Gametypes: Slayer Hello Forge Hub. My name is Kirov 099 (or Spar7an B71, but i prefer my...
Okay thanks. I'll definetly be experementing with different objects, hopefully I will find some cool effects. I've also been looking at the...
I definetly like the second one better.
I've just recently started taking screenshots and I would like to know if any of these are a good start. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...