they go under the hog too easy, plz change it and anyway this r great map.
Finally! someone posted this! i NEEDED this.
Nice pics and Very nice aesthetic, i rate this 5/5
This is a great 4 v 4 map, really detailed, maybe try to make it into an assault gametype (im addicted to assault) and you have me and my friends...
This looks like a maybe 1v1 map, really small and easy spawn kill.
cool! i made one with sandbox and it was reallyweired.
thats valhalla? holy crap, its like a exploding star or something.
this can make some epic screenies.
1st one is the graffitti effect, look for it on FH.
10/10 for originality and good use of items.
Wow, this is cool, i was settling fr a choppy one, but this is definately better than expected.
Lots of power weapons, maybe a heavy gametype should be used.
Sick map, were the aesthetics planned (i think of weird aesthetics sometimes so if you dont call it that, shut up)? this is a good ffa map that i...
Why cant Bungie use this instead of tundra? this map is way better and not all clustered together, 10/10 and btw gratz for featured.
kay.... really bright (enough to hurt my eyes lol) cool, yet basic.
This is a nice little aesthetic map, but it is relatively easy to escape from. (i might update this post with link to the video.)
This took me a while to complete cuz i suck at these kind of maps, but i give it a 10/10
Lolzorz Those are some smll pitures, can you please make them biger so i can them? Anyway, this map is a 8.5/10, because its really easy to be...