The Hill Created by Yama Sensei [br] Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes Supported [br] Map Description I wanted to make a map designed around one...
not a big gundam fan but your attention to detail is off the charts! for your first aesthetic map this is a masterpiece. good job man
Kudos for an attempt at making the map, not the easiest map to remake, biggest map on H1 built into little 'ol foundry, but you tried. Innovative...
..... what about the markers above their heads?
pick your class? YES! brilliant muahaahhaa
spawned a couple times outside the map on slayer but luckily spawned with a couple grenades so it didnt bother me too much, brilliant idea, love...
Re: Millennium Falcon I was quite surprised on how well built this one is, the resemblance is uncanny!
Had a few friends over and this was a highlight of the night, big winner right here!
Great map! Now i have to decided whether i like grifball more :(
To my amazement bungie still hasnt remade Sidewinder. they know its a favorite of the halo community simply because only two maps in H1 could use...
Agreed completely because im one of those average players who didn't like this map. ive played it enough to understand where everything is which...
Opinion seconded. as stated this was one of the favorites of oldschool halo gamers. I wouldnt have named it the same as the original if it wasn't...
beautiful. this ship could still be combat worthy IMO
I dont understand the whole use of timing everything, seems silly, a simple spawn point further away from the wraiths to ensure a good amount of...
Sadly my friends dont follow honor rules too well. But now they dont have to anymore, we can play hobo heights the way it was meant to! thanks!
grav lift was a decent idea, this mustve been a quick make.
epic action all the time, slightly annoying with the sound of the turrets going but cool thinking. great minds obviously think alike because i...
Downloaded and took a nice glance around the place and i must say, its one of the most accurate remakes ive seen thus far. The bases are a little...
Thank god for passion and clogged toilets and what a mixture of the two can create.
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* I started making my D-Day map the first week the game came out just to find out that somebody else beat me to it :(...