i am supposed to post all of them anyways lolget a new one right now
dude are u dumb he is not even in the photo if u looked at his next post he posted im standing right in front of cam
could u add any more game pics in there?
did u not read saying it was from another account called Kayotic Fear he is one of my friends on my friends list... i did not take it from here
well anyone care to even try?
Anyone checked this out yet?
im glad u liek them all i got a big pack coming soon something special
u know whats funny about this pic is taht its the same guy in same movement lol
i know was only way we can get everyone to spawn in perfect places guess could have had another delete them after spawned
wow dude not even funny i didn that and thats the size it came up as i uploaded it at photobucket
my bad and i know im working on figuring out how to resizer the damn things but here is another one btw he was in the glaspane windows also...
You guys all bored and wanna watch me video game it up well her is a live feed to me playing videogames watching movies and what not Justin.tv...
oh wait u guys have not found him yet
haha dude im way ahead of u that was actualy a game i been working on just gotta get a bunch of people..... also i plan on doing a Halo Olympics...
why copy my game when u can just play my game because trying to find a gun barrel is not fun
im having problems with resizing i suck at it so sorry
Well Here is another one [IMG]
Update: I Will provide new images once Master Chief has been found
K Knight well then you can go ahead and post one was that size better?
yup you are correct