OH MY GOD SOO HARD!! Great map T3CHH! very fun gameplay, with hours and hours (at least for me) of puzzling puzzleness. 5/5
the shield regeneration makes it look like the spartan is being engulfed by the explosion. makes for a cool effect.
cool pictures, i knew something was outside of foundry, but nothing like that
ya ive been tryin to get a picture like this of something other than a cone. hopefully i can get a good one posted by later tonight.... although...
take the time to wait for a full cloud opening before settling for a picture. this is alright, but i would make the lines thicker, or at least all...
ha..... haha......... not funny. sorry but can you stop just posting every picture you take. also none of your posts follow the forum rules....
its just a guy holding a shotgun... i like em. i like em all a lot, except for the ones with flashes of bright yellow and orange. that effect is...
i dont know why it was an elite in the first place. recon is much more fitting. great improvement
sandbox killball juicy!! rrrg way overused IMO. 2nd is an alright landscape picture but its nothing we cant see when we look up on blackout....
... the ODST's actually have names? oh well the pictures are too dark, and you should never take pictures in forge, on account of the red blue...
i disagree through the fire would be too bright. looks good, but you can see where the flames end in the picture which i dont really like. i do...
the light is overwhelming the spartans on each picture. just tone it down a little
HOW?! wow thats really cool, you should go more in depth of the effectg now, and get a great shot using it. the shots you posted are just mediocre
i threw the cone way up in the air in forge, then just took a picture into the sky on blackout, with juicy on i think, but im not sure. that sound...
you know in the rules you have to post a link to your fileshare with the picture? so when you do that, ill believe you took it
dude.... ive seen this picture on to many peoples file shares to count. you didnt make it, you shouldn't post it. especially without saying you...
......... in the first post he says he photoshopped them soo.......
effect used way to much before. be a little more creative. Juicy effect on sandbox in front of a KillBall
I've been a fan of cones all my life... http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/B944086C575987D39D07BF2854BC1ED9/"][IMG][/URL]
oh yaa you can see the odst firing the laser in the picture. dont kn ow how i missed that. thanks