Is it just me, or are more and more MLG maps are being named after random fancy words more often? Regicide is revolt, resulting in the death of a...
I think dark killar is probly your best but you ruined in your sig :(
The effect is used to make the map look A LOT nicer. The boxes being all different colors, make the UNSC ship look too colorful and barely like a...
A couple of those are good but I have to say that a lot of those are just plain horrible.
Thanks for the help again nealsaviking
I don't get the point of releasing all those on one topic. Why not separately? And yeah I have to agree that the avalanche one looks pretty sloppy
Umm yeah complete waste of time, it would suck just as much as the default one interlocked. WASTE OF TIME
In the gametype why is it British vs Japanese? If anything American vs Japanese but still anyway why?
Thanks that's good. Now I still need more testing to be done to this map because I think the gametype is the hardest part to achieve greatness...
Umm yeah like stated above, no map sucks for forging, you just suck at forging in that map. Being creative might make these maps less of "a *****...
Thnx for the sigpic, but could you resize it to be more like the size of your sig things? It's a bit big and I'll be posting more maps soon. Now...
I'll dl. I guess i'll try it out
Comments people please, I need constructive criticism please NOT based on interlocking; if it's criticism about that, I could care less.
Ugghh it's a good map but please everyone enough with the interlocking comments, interlocking is not needed to have a neat nice looking map....
Looks good, I like the ghost ramp, the shield door kinda matches the ghost in technology so now it matches yay
lol same that's why this map has barely any interlocking at all. I feel the same about that topic, interlocking is pointless unless you need a...
Hope it works out for you, I just finished looking at your other maps. Based on those I hope to see your latest as creative as the last ones
I think it still looks like great fun. I'd probably be calling my teammates idiots the whole game along with team killing the rest for dropping...
Then my architecture skills are effective yay. Lots of gameplay was left out of the description or else it would've been awfully long. Something...
Meh the map is pretty lacking but the idea is good. Using filters to your advantage is good