Looks cool. Right off the bat the stairs caught my attention, because a friend of mine used the long wedges the same way. Anyway, it looks like...
Wow, this looks amazing. I'de heard about it making 7 on the 7th, but seeing is believing. It's a DL for me. Nice to see you on forge hub, keep...
This looks pretty cool. Longest has been remade before, but I haven't seen an Elongation remake. I think the slight changes will actually...
Great movie! Very funny, but also a pretty serious subject. LMAO it's pretty funny though.
Welcome. I've seen paradise plaza, and the rest of your ideas sounds awesome. I look forward to seeing your maps.
This looks awesome! It really looks like you made the most of the small spaces, but at the same time you didn't overcomplicate them. The forging...
Looks good. I like how you made a "symmetrical" asymmetrical map, if you know what I mean. The layout looks really nice, with some narrow...
Wow, this looks like a good map. Two classic halo maps in one. It looks like each one is well represented aesthetically but also during...
Wow, this looks really good. I instantly saw the similarity to goldeneye. The design and forging looks excellent, as well as the weapons. It's a...
Hey, this looks pretty good. I noticed the progression of mancannon platforms and the "stepping stone" areas because they remind me of similar...
Looks good. If you want to add a scorpion, just go for it! I don't think it would be too unbalanced, the streets are wide enough for it, but at...
I agree with you man, at this point, Bungie is just ripping us off. The way I see it, ODST campaign and Firefight are worth 20$. The three map...
Well, the skulls shouldn't really cause much of a problem until late in the game. But when they do, I'll be ready. Bring on the mythic...
Hey, so I just checked bungie.net and they've unvieled a new firefight map called rally point. Just thought I'de bring it to your attention, if...
Looks like a good map. The greenhouse itself is what caught my attention. Looks like an all around nice map that could work with many gametypes...
This looks pretty awesome. The forging looks good and "The Vortex" looks awesome. Since it's a smaller map I hopefully will be able to play some...
This looks awesome! First of all, the map itself is what caught my attention, it's complex, but not to overdone. Also it seems like you tried very...
Hey, this looks like a pretty good map, but your post is lacking a little. Try adding a weapon list with the amount of each weapon and the...
Welcome dude. Go right ahead and post your maps. Good or bad, the feedback will help you.
Hey guys, I've been a member here for a little while but never saw the intro section so I decided to write one up. Well a little about me, in...