Yes I know I was actually playing that level and thats what made me think about it and start this thread. I was wondering why that is the only...
Predator (working name) Brute Tank. Main body will look like Batman's Tumbler in The Dark Knight. The front wheels would be smaller versions of...
The map looks very well forged but I have to agree that there is very little height variation and both the middle and far corners and I fear that...
Yay I finally had a good Idea. I'm going to be adding pictures to my original post soon
Human Grenade + Acid Bomb It is clear capsule filled with a bright green acid. The capsule is about the same size as a Fire Grenade just slightly...
Doorway with a grav lift on instant respawn placed on a weapon holder. Put teleporter sender nodes across your doorway I agree with...
That sounds good but I've found a way to make VIP work. I'll just do next location random. By the way incase anyone is curious it is going to be...
Won't last longer enough. but thanks anyway I'll just have to settle for one destination at a time. Thanks anyway Mods feel free to close this....
I have one question. When an ODST dies where does he spawn so that he can get back to his team and protect Virgil. Or do they not respawn?
Damn. Okay thanks. Territories won't work because I need the custom VIP settings
Hey I was recently brainstorming new gametypes and was wondering if it is possible to have multiple VIP goal points. I know you can have more...
There are some infection gametypes that play really well I don't get why they aren't in Living Dead instead of the gametypes in there nowthat...
How about this? MLG FOUNDRY and i'm pretty sure theres another one around that is a symmetrical version of default foundry
Yeah the more I work on it I realize how challenging this will be. I Don't think I will be able to make the basement where the Intelligence (flag)...
Yes two symmetrical bases. If you've ever played Team Fortress 2 it will be as similar to that as I can make it but I have a feeling that I will...
Oops that is fixed now
Okay guys so I have started another project which I hope to have done by Christmas so this one will have to be put on the back-burner until after...
Very true about the well maneuvered warthog. But I have successfully taken down Banshees with the SMGs at the base with kill the pilot leaving...
As for the Valhalla idea. It is unfortunate there is no available Gauss Hog to place as a neutral power item. But maybe place one neutral...
So I was just playing Halo 2 campaign because I was getting tired of most of my games and wanted to mix things up a bit and came across a question...