this was really just a quick fun map. i have tons of sandbox maps and was getting sick of them, and if u actually play the map there is a 2nd...
simply awestruck
Mlg style CTF. multi-flag, and one flag works best. 2v2-4v4 optimum play [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Download: : Halo 3...
thanks :) i only worked on this 1 night s... go easy thanks :) my friends always make me play this map when we do slayer or something, they love...
The pictures say it all. This map can be for the game types: oddball, ctf, team slayer, and king of the hill. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
yeah this was just kind of an experiment map. its not really about neatness just having fun. not many people really care about that while in...
sorry i posted on accident before i uploaded pictures. its good now though
Download Higibo Stadium below: : Halo 3 File Details 2 floors above ground level in the crypt, you face off against the opposing...
seems a bit more casual than minigame.. 5/5 tho
alright ill add new maps. and musicpimp, u cant rate a map if you have NEVER seen it
had no clue watsoever to do on any of this map's puzzles..
couldnt get past the 1st part where the radar jammer is.. have no idea what to do
okay. i went there but when i take a screenshot it automatically uploads to my front page of my bnet file. how to prevent this?
well how do i make screenshots without it affecting my front cover screenshot on my profile? i would like to keep that one on or my hayabussa one....
A challenge ap, that can prove quite fun. The map includes secrate doors, a mobile bridge(my fav part of map) a mini-maze, a few killballs, and...
cool thanks ill try it
id work on making a map but, sadly i can only merge, and that is in the lower stages of greatness. i want to kno how to geomerge but sadly i dont
Im new, want to help out?