dude this looks amazing! I'm unable to play it though so I was wondering if you could send this to jakec121 on xbox live, not through the internet...
I've always wondered why halo 3 doesn't have a flare feature. Like say you're about to die, all you have to do is press a button and your...
well instead of a diner car, I was thinking maybe a baggage car. That would be something like a bunch of weapons that would be useful against the...
or setting fusion coils to spawn on the ground so the drivers have to be extra careful not to drive over them and blow em up. and also make it...
you have to go under the map, then quickly go into forge mode or you'll die, then you put a two way node under the map, and another where you want...
A cafeteria, a pallet blocking a hidden exit. Maybe a few other pallets blocking the exit to the outside world. A warden's office a bathroom in...
lol anyways, it'd be fun to do so does anybody want to help? oh and send a msg to Curvedslayer210 if you do. Also I'll be on most of the day.
I put my thread in the wrong spot so can you please move it to forge discussion? in case i'm not on, it's called Recon statue.
oh I'm sorry I didn't know.
Or sculpture. I want to make a recon sculpture on Sandbox and it's like he has no weapons but he is shooting a laser out of an open hand. Anybody...
darn I thought he was in the water next to the rightmost crate/s
hey, I'm unable to dload maps :( because my sis is the one with xbox live and she won't let me use her account to dload maps onto. I can use the...
#15 Form: One sided VIP Gameplay: Well I was thinking that it could be a castle, with towers, maybe catapults (fusion coils underneath a warthog...
I would just make an object float so it's inbetween the cannons, so anything going off it will bounce off the cannons and fall to its doom. I mean...
instead of 180, put no, then put the spawn when the other one is destroyed. You know somebody made a new one using a ghost, but it's basically the...
I would say set it so the worms can't jack banshees, as somebody has already said, but also make it so instead of the worms bringing the egg back...
fat kid in reverse, but the zombie has a plasma pistol instead but can do 150% more damage.
I would say something like trees or houses probably. Then the volcano erupts! (fusion coils and other explosives
I want to remake Infected Manor in the crypt of Sandbox, but don't know how to make a roof. if anybody could possibly show me how, that'd be...