Did it end up working? Im gonna fire up reach tommorow or something, see if i can get it working if its broken. I'm also gonna try and get...
Its using the haloball variant as a base. Which i used to collect blocks. ^-^
Very Nice idea. Seem quite unique, will download in the morning. Go check out my Recent Minigame, it also uses warthogs as goals. But the gametype...
Thanks man, for the speedy reply xD. Im glad you enjoyed it, i noticed that problem too, but i will type more in the description up top when i get...
Nombly Nombly Mongeese! [IMG] The Smorgasboard! I have been waiting, ever since i came up with Gridmine, hoping that i would come up with...
Yeh, i havent been in this thread in ages. But yeh, i have spelt it wrong, will change it as soon as i have the time xD.
Thanks Guys, xD
So, i updated my post with a video, if anyone is interested to watch, will update it more as i can be bothered, buahaha.
I havent been able to get up there in this gametype yet, as the hammers usually kill you before you land there. There is a soft kill, but i will...
~GRIFBALL~ Bomb Armed [IMG] Super-Grif-Punch-Formation-Power Go! I have always been a huge fan of grifball, ever since it was released back in...
Thanks, i'm glad you had fun. =]
I'm all for more decoration, as a matter of fact, its all ive been tweaking. If a new version is made, i will make you all aware, if thats what...
GRIDMINE I created this KOTH Variant and Map on the 19th of October, 2010, with abit of help from my friends testing it to make sure it was fun....