that would take a while, i think it would be easier to shrink a starting room, but if anyone has any troubles playing this with those errors I...
I could try placing something like a drum behind it, or a gravlift to push people off if they try to block the teleporter, only problem is that I...
Ya, hopefully that doesn't become a problem with this map. Thats also what makes this a more casual map.
The Cube: A 4-dimensional Nightmare Download Map Download Slayer Gametype Download Infection Gametype Description: This map was made in the...
Re: Post your desktop! lol, well you know what they say, great minds think alike
Re: Post your desktop! thanks, but which files are you reffering to?
o, simply put, it is the order behind disorder. its like why the dice roll different numbers most of the time, and not roll the same thing all of...
Re: Post your desktop! heres my current desktop, a little messy, but organized to me:...
ok, its a pretty cool way of thinking about art. So pretty much using programs like apophysis you can create and edit what are known as fractals...
This is my first Julian style fractal, for those of you who don't know what a fractal is, it is simply an image created with a program which uses...
I vote the chief
Those are pretty good for only a few hours work, if you wanted you could also incorporate those into Google earth, just on a side note. Great work...
I absolutely love this game, I've logged over 63 hours of play on one file and finally got the completionist achievement yesterday :) <== why...
Colonel, level 40
I bought the Halo 3 Zune when it came out, ive had a few issues with the software but other than that i love the Zune. I also refuse to buy an...
If you want a great program with a ton of potential, I'd choose photoshop, its a bit pricy though, about $700 or so.
Thanks for the compliments :) I'll have to make more racing maps like it.
I think these ads are a good idea, they help the site, and there not full blown pop up ads
I don't really know all the specifics on how either work, but I'm hoping HD DVD wins, that way Microsoft will beat Sony, conquer the world, and...
My gamertag is EliteSniper177 ( :o original i know) dont really remember how i came up with the name though, i played online before a few times,...