not acuall 3d i just made it so it didnt look so flat and add the blur in the gold room so it had that close up background blur get it?
i want this one cuz its kawaii [IMG] can i adopt this one
[IMG] :happy:not over the top but its decent:happy:
i kno theres a problem evry time i try to reduce its size it keeps saying that so i decided to keep it
i changed things the original was very dull and wasnt very vibrant so i adjusted the birghtness and contrast and added a gusian blur in the gold...
[IMG]:happy:I accidentally posted this in the screen shot forum and oddly people were asses so i posted it in a different genre :angry: so i hope...
This was edited and put on but wth why not put it here too [IMG]:happy:ENJOY:happy:
Fanboy Halo Buttons ^-^ Ive Made Some Buttons due to a halo spazim and i decided to post them on forge hub tell me whut u think (i_melancholy:...
ya we were just foolin around ^^ thnx man
i didnt make it it wasnt staged we just happend to stumble upon it
thank you very much :happy:
MADE DEM MYSELF DIDNT REALLY TAKE LONG BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM [yes they are edited] in order 1.Helljumper[IMG] 2.John 117[IMG] 3.Covenant...
um Club Mjolnr i think
[IMG]:lol: wasnt even staged to dowload here--->