lol been to long since i looked at the helmets well playing h3 god i feel so stupid
i have no idea what that thing is the lighting is good but could be slightly stronger it seems a little empty the smudging is superb
i did not use a render so it made it more difficult i really <3 the effects they just dont work
ill try and change up the text or remove it all together thanks and i was really happy with the second one also
[IMG] [IMG] #1 V2 [IMG]
i liked the other one on skidrow the 1 when i bounced it off the ground into his face
i think the music can make it worth watching even so its just what appeals to you
thanks i guess your sorta right about the whole dumbassedness if thats even a word i could of just killed him and ran looking for others which...
true but honestly there arent very many times were you can kill over 2 people per clip in ffa unless u r using assault rifle or smg or something...
i was just messing around some of the time and got lucky i barely tried to 360 who wants to see clips of killing 1 guy with a usp though i...
enjoy YouTube - dynamite! mw2 minitage
this is not my render i use gimp so there is no linear dodge
what gangsters i wish i were them jk that songs was bad to begin with and they made it way worse but it was funny
[IMG] v2 [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] this is a wip ANY BETTER?
how long did this take you its really cool the ring is to dark i dont like the light source by the blue planet and some of the plants are the same...
i might try that thanks for the feedback/help
i know its in case anyone has not seen it
YouTube - BED INTRUDER SONG!!! (now on iTunes)