I use Rogue Head ** Well ANY HELMET** Mark VI Chest CQB Shoulders. Havent Seen ANYBODY use that
Im 12 but I play PROPER Halo and I use PROPER maps/tactics. Ie. For FFA Games I use MLG Maps Or PROPER Forged Maps. For Minigames I use Halo On...
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. A
Lesson Type: Me and You Time request entered: August 29 2:12pm GMT Desired Lesson Time: August 30 7:00pm GMT 15:00 Mins GamerTag: Mon The Tic...
MLG Gaurd V6 Anytime between 6-9pm GMT. (My Prime Time) Any Date. Sniper BR Infinite Ammo Custom.
Amazing Post. The Amount of thought and Planning That Has Went Into Making these Maps Is Immense. Yes ODST Maps Arent Original But These Are The...
Either Snipedown or Hysteria. Walshy is OK but his form has been off since H2.
Mon the Tic
Hmm. Intresting map. Looks a bit bare to me but I'll dl and test. I hope I dont get an infraction for this. 6 posts 4 infractions!
Great map great posts 10/10
ive made 2 [IMG] FTW [IMG] LIKE OMG
nahh i wiz bored so yeahh
Story - Halo CE Characters - Halo 2 Enemies - Halo CE Boss - Halo 3 Weapons - Halo CE Multiplayer - Halo 3 Level Design - Halo CE Soundtrack - Halo CE
ur ma kinna guy
Nice Map I like the design of the bases and the podium in the middle (BETTER ?)
I was listening to some Eminem music while playing Halo 3 and I had an idea. Post your favourite music and the games you play with them. Add a...
Skull name: Worms Skull description: Ohhh Noo Skull effect: Grunts Explode on HEadshots, blowing holes in the map and Leaving a small Comical...
AFK kids and Early Quitters. Not Bungies fault just dae ma heed it. The 2nd thing dont phase me. 4v1 Snipers pulled off the win
. Wow. Where to begin. Customised Armor in Campaign? NO. ELITES. WHAT. SO. EVERR!! Better Weapons. Ie. CE Magnum, CE AR, H2 Rockets etc....
BOOMPAHHH JOOOMPAAAHH! I use Bumper Jumper. I made the change... well. I never made the change. I started on Bumper Jumper and its second nature.