Thanks for the review. I think that you mean the tubes that don't have man cannons for the one comment. I think that the only reason that people...
Let me know how it goes I will be interested in knowing if the bridges were successful in a larger game setting.
Thanks for the thought I haven't played to many big numbers games only some 2v2 and it wasn't a problem then but you might be right with more...
The only way to attack someone on the collapsable bridges is to be on them or up on the laser spawn. I see what you are saying but there is just...
The way that the bridges are wedged in makes them fall in one direction and they stop when they hit the wireframe even in custom games. also if...
~Over Hard~ [IMG] Over hard is a symmetrical map in skybox designed for team slayer. The map has a fairly basic two base design with...
This took a while but there is now an updated link to the new version. Thanks to cosmic for his imput. Tinginho you can't actually get on the...
True MLG is about cover and creative lines of sight. Your map looks a little too straight forward. Try to add some cover and different battle...
You should use photobucket to host your pictures that way you can embed them. Try this link to get the details. this will help you a lot
I am going to have to agree with Y35 on this one it looks a little sloppy. To make my maps as straight as possible I always use guides to make...
The map looks well organized and put together. I don't think that interlocking is necessary, in fact some of these over interlocked maps look a...
I like the layout of the map but it seems that some of the walls and bridges could use a little straightening up. If you can get the aesthetics...
This looks awsome I'll give it a thorough forge through. I like maps that don't just have one or two ways in.
Good maps are not just re-equipping old ones but changing the game play adding scenery that changes the flow of the level or changes the form of...
Ivory I am trying to get a dlc themed forge team send me a FR (deadsilent24) if you want to team up for a few maps just an idea.
It would be cool to get a DLC forge group together I'll send you a FR later today. My GT is DeadSilent24 be looking for it.
I think the cave is going to be the sight of some epic forging sweet post and good work getting in there and putting a map out.
The central cavern is going to make for some sweet forging also the amout of space outside of blackout will allow for a ton more platforms and...
It took a while to get the changes made but vehicles have been tested and retested and they don't move. There really isn't a problem there. Any...
Time and Space new link *update took out the mongooses from the bouncing pits so that is less annoying. Changed the respawn times for the...