Yay whiizzle Hey, whiizzle! Didn't know you were on here. :3 Anyway, it's a decent idea for a map, but it has been done alot. Good that there...
Wow, very original aesthetics. Reminds me of the bridge from Halo 2 (Campaign, but can't remember level). Perhaps for v2 do a bit more merging?
There are way too many BRs next to each other, you only really need one in the areas they are in. Otherwise, nice map. I like the side ramps, but...
Apart from occasional wonky forging, this map looks very good. Alot of routes in and out of places, and jumping to higher places.
Woah, confusing! I like, looks like an arcitectual digging site :3
It's very empty, which is BAD for maps with Warthogs and Choppers. But I can see a good start, maybe just develop it?
A very small, but complex space...I like it. As far as I can see, you haven't included power weapons either, which is a nice touch. Nice merging, too.
The map looks very good. The only issues I have with it are the turrets and the sword and camo being so close together...couldn't you just put a...
The map looks very easy to simply walk out of. I like the pistol risk = reward idea, but couldn't you just throw the grav lift down and grab the...
Wow. Very crazy. I can see this map playing a few tricks on radars. Could you put up a map layout so that we can figure out what is going on? I'm...
I like the map and all, but one question, how do you get to rockets? From the pictures, it looks unreachable. Other than that, good job. The...
Wow, very good idea, although you may want to fix the tunnel with the 4 recievers in it, as it looks like someone could get stuck in there and...
LOL WUT DANCER POLE ...but seriously, quite well done. Very neat, although I'm not sure how the hell this'll work in a machinima.
Y'know, I'll prove this is possible...without a mongoose. With one, I'm not so sure.
It looks good. The only thing that ruins it is the killball, as it is pretty irrelevant and useless. Also, I like the bridge idea. If you put a...
Wow... that's a very well-done hole. This looks really clean, good job!
Looks great. The only real issue I can see is the double wall going from the ground to upper, you may want to geomerge it so you don't have to...
The name is a bit of a red herring, dont'cha think? Pretty good otherwise, but putting spawns on the track is not a great idea. People might get...
The real problems are the overuse of power weapons and the map is quite easy to get out. Also, a 10-second OS? People could easily grab...
This map looks pretty awesome, and perfect for CTF or Assault. If only the grass wasn't so messed up using forge, or this would look so damn hot....