[IMG] [IMG] Photoshop CS4 My first 2 sigs evar.
I gots a slowpoke sig though =(
This map seems to have a unique, but yet weird design, confusing me quite a bit. The name was a bit elusive at the beginning, but now I see why...
digging for complaints? no.. Giving my personal opinion and thoughts, yes. I've play tested all of these maps, downloaded them personally and got...
Sorry to rain on your parade used man ^.^ but since I have actually played these maps, I'm going to give you some good feedback, which will be my...
Updated screenshots, the side structure is near completion, after some more geo-merging.. The other side structure is a work in progress still, as...
As the newer additions to this map seem quite random, it will all soon fit in as we begin to work on the map some more.. As for the center...
Psh, that's there on purpose and I can doez it too? :O Lolz, i gave him credit, was really late when I posted this, and was sick of typing ^_^...
Welcome to the preview of my newest map, with 10+ hours already put into it.. This is going to be a 1 flag, 1 bomb, infection type of map, with a...
And eventually tried breaking the system to face them =D 24 hours of my life, I will NEVER get back, tried breaking the system and everything.....
The wood bridges making the roofs of buildings looks a bit sloppy.. Maybe some MOAR interlocking? Naw.. I joke This map is alot of fun, and I...
If it wasn't made by you.. Why post it? Plus this has already been posted, or so I believe it is.. This post also isn't up to forgehub standards,...
Psh.. I've learned where the head hit box is on spartan's and elites, so I just aim fast, and shoot which is usually a 4 shot with a BR.. Same...
Really, stop posting here to up your count.. It's starting to look like spam. People have pointed out flaw's, and they have their own opinions.....
Infraction nao please? This post isn't up to standards, and it's not that good, as the person above me has stated. You need atleast one embedded...
I play on 10, and still think that that's to slow.. =/
The one all the way out in the sand dunes.. That's from my friend grabbing it and throwing it all the way out there, which I never got around to...
Correction.. It's not the brute shot, it's the sniper.. Also, I'm planning to add another one at the other side in version 2.0
I may in a version 2.0, but as for now, I think the rocket's will stay there, as they are placed in the exact middle of the map, where the bridge...
No? I don't have any other accounts :O