I love this Prima/Bungie-esque map of your, er, map. How'd you make it?
I've enjoyed this map since it came out. Personally, I've shortened the game a LOT to 2 rounds of 4 minutes each so people don't get bored....
No problem. These are my favorite racing maps, thx for taking the time to build them. The mods are the easy part, glad to share with the community.
Nice. Glad it's working for you.
I've never had the loop fail, and I've hit it probably a hundred times. It uses a mancannon to launch you through the loop, which is pretty...
I've got my tweaked versions of Solar's maps up on my share again, along with associated game variants to enable cleaner racing. (Had to take them...
This is an interesting idea, but it's really not very fun to play. We had a classic setup with 1 pacman and 4 ghosts. As mentioned in the thread,...
Sorry Sgt Sarcasm, I meant FOUNDRY, not all Forge. It just won't let you save custom maps to an account that doesn't have the base content...
I don't really get how the humans would ever win, unless the Tremors are really dumb. Once the Tremor catches up to the flag, how can the humans...
I guess I should also note that the Silver account mule method doesn't let you save off [edit] Foundry custom maps, unless you also purchase the...
It's a gold membership because MSFT automatically upgraded the silver membership I created with a 1-month gold trial. Should work equally well...
The only way I could figure out how to do this was by transferring items through my File Share, 6 items at a time. Pretty tedious.
Thanks for the suggestion, Nerf. I tried doing this in the Dashboard. Under the Memory tab, I picked Games and then Halo 3, and was able to see...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Ya. That and not everybody has Foundry yet, so by forcing FH Guilders to build non-Foundry maps, it...
Does anybody know how to transfer stuff to a mule account? I created a Silver mule account, but can't figure out a good way to transfer all my...
Re: Loop D (Full loop-d-loop, pics included) I enjoy these maps so much that I went into Forge and did some tweaking, plus created a pair of...
Re: Loop D (Full loop-d-loop, pics included) This is a brilliant map, had a couple of thoughts: Is there an associated gametype? Would be more...
Though the potential of Foundry is sweet, I have selfish reasons for liking forged maps on the standard map set. I run weekly clan nights and we...
This map is hilarious fun. I love the trip mine, it's great for kills from the grave. The sniper rifle is an interesting carrot to dangle. I found...
I laughed until I cried while playing this map. It's hilarious being the Last Man Standing and running for your life while the zombie blasts away....