Thanks guys. Hey if you find those jumps be sure to tell me where they are! =p
Hey thanks for the feedback. I updated this map (changed the lights and a few of the spawn times for weapons, and changed a few of the respawn...
Awww. You beat me to it. By looking at the pictures this looks like a pretty decent remake. I'll definitely give this a download, cause I was a...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I posted up the weapons/equipment list and re-uploaded it (had to fix a little glitch), I think everything is good...
Hey thanks for the feedback.
Thanks. Loading it now. sethkasketch: You must be thinking about a different Dodeccaheedron. =p edit - There we are, shots are up. Sorry about that.
So this took me about 15 hours from start to finish. It's a small symmetrical map good for team based games (CTF, Assault, etc.). If you guys like...