Thanks for reminding me... I need to cancel my membership (I haven't been on in like 5 months)
I used to play Runescape, I liked it for the fact that you could do lots of stuff on it but the first levels, until about level 40 or 50 are...
I am having trouble building the rest of my infection map. I have the main part done with but, there is all this empty space that is bugging me...
First of all I agree the BR is over used on almost all forge maps and secondly I think you made a typo
I just found all my Original Xbox games so I might play some Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, KOTOR, or I might just play some Rock Band 2....
Oh yeah here is the custom game type for the map: : Halo 3 File Details
Hey Guys, this is my first actual attempt to forge a map. I just wanted to know some of your guys' feedback. Zombie Fortress is a map that...