Wow this looks really good, I love the way you have used the tin cups upside down to make grassy scenery, that is something I have never seen...
I owned a few of them but I played the Gameboy Colour the most ;) Pokemon was the best back then xD I am going to tell you a weird little story....
Owned, this guy right here, he wins!
Meh, not too bad, everyone will be able to get it no matter how many times you have been banned once Halo 3: ODST comes out. Still looking forward...
I got a 7 day ban from posting on the Bungie Forums for advertising my fileshare (I didn't know you weren't allowed to do so). Will that...
I would like to think there would be a new Forge, but by looking at the trailer videos I don't see Forge on the main menu. However I could be...
Lol, it would be nice to win some Recon armour, but the main thing i'm looking forward to is tea-bagging Bungie =) W0000T Bungie Day FTW
Maybe he had just pulled the trigger to lunge when he was killed, and since you did the damage you got the medal. Your friend didn't get the kill...
Thanks Kronos, I think I have the idea now =P Since this map is geared towards infection I will make the teleporter in the air, and when the...
I am making an infection map and would like a teleporter to spawn after a certain amount of time into the game. I noticed that the 'Place at...
Hey, my name is Joe and I chose Xalaq as my name because I use it alot. Don't know why but I came up with this name like 4-5 years ago when...