Um ok well i kinda need the kill balls for ascetic but theres really nothing i can really add for ascetic feel its a race track and the point is...
couldn't you have blocked off the sides where you can't go around it? im jsut wondering
oh on turn 2 if thats what your talking about i added that slope thing that makes it double which is pretty fun to turn on ill see what i can to...
thx but there is a "VIP Turn in Point" at the end. just look closly you will see it
i can't even see the last pictures i know its part of the game but can you show us some clear pics of the map?
from the pics it looks pretty nice but you could put some more pics but if thats all then there is not much to the map
ok i know i recently posted this but i have found some bugs in the map so i am posting a second version that should work properly Improved...
back when i was five i played a game called "Pokemon Silver" you went up this tower to find some dude that was rare and it was hard the map looks...
.... Epic Fail anyways ramps are getting old they had em on last resort to foundry to standoff to sandbox think of something new
good job yeah what arbacca said there does need to be interlocking and as i noticed in picture 6 (the watch tower and hornet pad pic) that stone...
yeah i like it but maybe in a v2 you could interlock some of the stuff because in some of the pics i saw some rough walkways and turns that would...
with 2 hornots and 2 walls for the map this might actually be fun but i would suggest to put details to make the map a little more "enticing"...
hi and welcome to forge hub. hrers a couple of tips for your post. check this link: for...
i really like the layout of the map also i have a question is there interlocking? from the pictures taken i can't tell at all from the pics if...
wow nice map its really smooth looking i like the pit in the middle its a kool drop down anyways 5/5 keep it up man
Looks pretty good i will definatly take a look at this map. from the looks its smooth and nicely interlocked keep it up
thx i hope to come out with a v2 if any problems are found if not then i will continue on making my other maps. this map took me about 2 days to...
1 ive seen many good race tracks on black out and 2 don't act all surprised its just a map. anyways the maps very smooth and nice looking hope it...
As yall might have played before the classic Nascar game. I have made it on sandbox in a new and smoother version. This should be cheat proof as i...
i don't know it kinda reminds me off some maps that play on mlg, 1. easy to spawn kill 2. not much of a map just mainly detail and 3. its really...