The worst part about the multiplayer is that you cant play combat training without internet. I am at my dads house every other weekend and their's...
That was literally my favorite game until I got an original xbox. Mine would have to be the kiosk demo for the xbox
nibsterrr nibbles im nibs nibsindahouse Geico nibsarekool nibsarecool nibz mynibblsarehard
The only editing I can honestly see is music, which is easy enough that I can do it, and that's saying something. I have no idea what editing he...
Oh, wow I meant to say can you get it an alpha, sorry. And also: [IMG]
lol i like how this is posted right after The minecraft in the forum. Great vids by the way. I think it should be a tuesday thursday release.
Why? seriously theres no point in advertising your five kill streak in a game that is being outdated in 3 days.
I know that but which building? Also: [spoiler] Edit: lol I messed up the [spoiler] things so the last one said [/spoiled]
I was playing classic for the first time and i found that you can place this block: [IMG] I was wondering if this is in classic because it looks...
Thanks, I finally got power armor, yay! Now I am wondering if anyone knows where to find raul(sp) the ghoul Edit: I just finished the game and I...
Hey guys, so I finally figured out how to make a minecraft video and I made one of my base. It's my first vid so it sucks pretty hard but it's...
This is the only thing that I really hate.
No updates:( I DL'd it and my friend put in his account so I only got the updates up to that point.
It's like in fallout 3, the main followers can only be swapped for another main follower. Think of rex and ed-e (or whatever it's called) as...
I thought the stick was amazing and the golf shot was meh.
Actually, in new vegas, there are hardly any large buildings at all. The only place with large buildings is the strip. In fact, it seems that the...
Where is gun runners? Or is that a town thats further in the game?
So, I got the game for the xbox today and I can say that it is pretty sweet. I personally don't like how there is less direction on what to do...
[IMG] After a day. It is on top of a mountain, and it has a mine shaft going down. The only thing that I hate about it, is that clouds go through...
Spam? Anyway, This map looks pretty fun, one thing, is this an invasion map? It sounds like it is but it also sounds like it could be assault.