Fritzster Released some screenshots like a year ago so i just started Forging. Thanks for your Positiv critic =)
Anthrophy (MLG Amplified/Ignite Successor) [IMG] Created by ChAoZziTy aka Fe4R iTz ChAoZz from FORGING2PERFEKTION™ Description: This is...
Nice Map i like that you interlocked and geo-merged almost you whole map. i also see that it seems that you go a nice layout and a good...
looks nice. i see you got some talent in adding details like the first pic. the 2nd one looks cool too, i like how you use diffrent colours.
looks nice, i think your map is a little bit too overpowered. i mean your map isnt the biggest so i think you should remove for example the rocket...
Awsome Map, i played that map with you and Fritzster days ago and i have to say that you made an awsome job with the Interlocking and...
you really have to fix your Spawn times like the OS and delet some power weapons. with all this power weapons its to easy to get map control.. you...
looks like a very fun map for swat. i like that you interlock some objects, but i thin you can get out of map, with a double jump.i would fix...
looks like a fun map. i like your interlocked objects and the middle with the os loos great too. you have a nice layout out and i see that you...
looks like a lot fun. i really like the layout and the way of your interlocking,..very clean. i also like how you use the mancanonns. maybe you...
looks very cool like almost every other map of you. i like the layout and the overall design. i also think that you done a good job at your...
Nice map maybe its a little bit too open at the middle there are some points where you got no chance to hide. but overall it looks very clean and...
looks like you got some good ideas. maybe you should interlock and geo-merge your objects that it looks a little bit cleaner, but nice layout...
your map is ok but i think you should work at your interlocking i also think that you should geo-merge some of your obejcts on foundry that isnt...
you really should learn how to interlock and geo-merge i also think that its a little bit unfair for the zombies there is way to much free...
wow very nice map. i really like that u use the whole sandbox. maybe you should interlock some objects a little bit better. but overall nice...
hmm i like your layout, maybe you should interlock your objects then it will look much more cleaner.i also think that you easy can jump out of...
i think you really should learn how to interlock. the map is a little bit open, maybe you could add some walls and at the middle a platform or...
looks good. i see that you interlock some obejects, i think you also should interlock the wall and the brigdes with the boxes that it looks a...
nice map. but i think you should interlock a little bit more. i also think that the rocket spawns to farst for your small map. overall you got...