Ok so lets see your very first one see how you did? and then for the other fact... I used windows movie maker because i didn't have vegas then
My favorite part was when you died anyone else agree?
lol thats sad for the amounts that couldn't watch the whole video... anyone watch mine?
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. lol this one is pretty gross too its like a fountain of puss
what about the man on the satellite dish area on standoff pop quiz! what is the name of the Canadian coin on snowbound?!?
<a href="http://www.viewtubetrain.net/index.php?r=XxXkiLzeDxXx">Get more Youtube Views!</a> Get more YouTube Views! Get FREE YouTube Plays!...
nice thats 4-7-5 though beautiful is byoo-ti-ful good for not much time put into it
hmm both are very nice i like the first one the best... what maps did you do them on? second one looks like avalanche
tell your friend to put it on his file share then copy & paste it That might be a bit easier to help you then
Hi, and welcome to Forgehub... I am fairly new here and I have found that this forum can be more useful than just maps... Hope to see you around
hmm that sounds raunchy go find it I wanna see it :P
I'm not sure if this is still open but w/e Mic: yes Highest skill (in what): 42 lone wolves, i got a 40 in dubs for my friend on his account MLG...
dam this would have been helpful for me a while ago but I sorta figured them out from other people and just my own ideas... personally I prefer...
hmmm if its like cod 4 for its clan tags i would do O|-< but if not I would do tbag for my one account (t To Th3 bAg)
mmm nothing like a redneck leaking out puss from his back :P
I made these a few years ago i got into photoshop because I played this game CyberNations and I saw some Sigs people made and i though i would...
I lawled when I saw that it would have been dam impressive if he did snipe him seeing as didn't have a snipa rifle :P
I would suggest on getting some sort of gaming headset. I just got my own pair of Turtle Beach X1's they are amazing... I much rather wearing...
I have a wired 360 controller, I have had it for about 1-2 month[s]. It is one of the microsoft ones not the crappy madcatz one. It will randomly...