i'll only block facebook when my friends come over, because its just inconsiderate for a friend to call me and ask if they can come over, and then...
i still agree with you Randle, but i have to make this point: Bungie would corrupt matchmake for some people by adding new map packs that not...
perhaps then making it so their shields cant respawn. so then you cant detect the bobms, but you can take accouple hits b4 you die. seems fun...
all i can say is, WOW! but since that would be considered spam i think ill add alittle extra. the name didn't grab my attention much, i clicked...
first, i must say that this map has an amazing name that brings back some very fond memories of spiritusro. now onto the good things about the...
a sniper that is harder to use up-close, because halo 3 wasnt made so that a sniper could be used as a shotgun and that really pisses me off that...
i personally love black and white decks. not many things can protect against black, and white heals me for the amount of life i loose and more...
they should consider, like x2sheax said, a play dead perk, but i was thinking more on the lines of it removed your name from the enemies screen...
YES, now i get to spend money on cloths for a stupid online avatar. i didnt know that microsoft could sink so low.
1. most big team battle maps are like that anyway, what were you expecting? 2. so what, means more of a challenge to make the map look cool. 3....
i think ill pass on sitting on those bar stools, but anyways nice map and forging i especially like the booths in picture 1.
i had no idea that any of these things were actually televised anywhere? lol, i guess there is a posibility in the future when everyone has...
if your looking for a good gun, you have to get one online. to get a good look at alot of weapons and to find one that u might want to buy, go to...
there should be an option in the ipods video options that can toggle widescreen and fullscreen. if that doesnt work, there are many ipod...
i dont mean to be anoying or anything, but i think it can be escapable if you use 2 grenade jumps, but noones going to waste their time and...
that sucks man. i only played for like 4 hours and didnt see em either. the best part was in the beginning when only around 60000 were playing,...
i forge because its fun. its as simple as that. half of my maps arent that great, but i enjoy making them. i only have 1 map actually posted on...
since microsoft wont repair it because you opened it, i would buy a new xbox and sell the old one as spair parts on ebay.
Photobucket. You get more editing optoins. Who cares if it takes longer.
the only thing i dont like about this map is that its possible to cheat on it. if you stop at the open area show about center in the 5th picture,...