I think the xp cap is just how much you can gain total not per game. But honestly people are reaching it because of the double xp and if you play...
Well I just finished my Duck Hunt map and found a whole lot of problems. The main issue is you can't set it to just 1 survivor. You can set it to...
I agree with xSoGx Grim you do a good job and it's unique and rare to come around. I don't why but the tree you made stood out to me? It just felt...
I think halo 4 would be amazing if they just took the halo 3 game and changed the title to halo 4. That game was perfect and if they tweak it too...
Halo 3 was the greatest time on xbox I have ever had. This really made me think how much I miss it but I guess sometimes you just have to move on....
Honestly to all of you saying there is no way for the flies to win I don't think it matters. Seriously who plays a custom game like this to be the...
Bottom line is the new spawning is stupid in my opinion. I have seen in on "The Cage" it is very easy to spawn next to the enemy during...
It's just so beautiful... I would recommend that you try putting that one wall slightly to the side of the other block with the wall sticking out...
aww if they release in 2012 were all going to die that year ): thats no fun
exactly... it even looks like the tuned up the graphics a little. I am already taken and will be getting this game for sure. Also did I miss the...
I have been a fan of both of the bioshocks and so far I am not disappointed at all. Even if your some die hard fan of the underwater theme I think...
So far looks really smooth overall but needs more... I understand its just a preview so I can't really say. I don't really have any advice for you...
These are some really good maps that 2nd map was really unique. I think your fine but the title you have to have your map name only or like...
Im glad to see you have been reading our comments and have cleaned this map up a little. Now this map is never going to be perfect all maps have...
Like the others have said this new forge is not going to be a problem. The only thing you have to worry about now is were you place these items....
I am going to be using the rock for my amphibious landing idea on Iwo Jima. It might not work out but so far it seems like the best place because...
I don't see that 50 rocks is a problem...If you think about it 40 blocks in halo could have done alot. I don't know all these sizes but im just...
Nice pics but I swear in the 3rd picture I see a face in the background? Am I just stupid or do you not see them in the right corner. One is...
Honestly I am ready for a change halo is getting old. I will gladly say goodbye to all of it. Halo was a good game but so far reach is going to be...
Hey the pictures are really small how did you put them in? If you didn't do the most common way i'll quickly explain but there is a guide on how...