I'm game. I have all the Achievements in H3 and ODST, so if I'm not good enough... JK. Just looking for some action. Sign me up. GT: Souperintendent
Whay evryon' bashin' on teh flamz?! No seriously, though. Bungie uses it, and they still beat people. Bungie day and most other accounts of...
I made a new signature, which is below. Mouseover for purpose. http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo66/Dimentio343/Marathon.png
Ever read Ghosts of Onyx? The Spartan III's were all teenagers/kids, and the book took place during the events of before and after Halo CE....
I have all H3 and ODST achievements. Ironically, I got H3 done last. Stupid Shotgun spree :(
Does anyone else HATE the Legendaries in this game? You can't catch them worth your life! I mean, I get Mewtwo down to RED HEALTH, put him to...
That is weird! Juicy+Kill Ball+Red Light x2?
I was playing on an Infection game on Sandtrap, and my friend (Fantom4ce) and I were on a Mongoose. We get hit by a Grav Hammer, into another guy...
[img] This is mine!!! Underneath the helmet, it does look exactly like me. I'm not a noob.
I've seen these videos. They are hilarious. Although, whenever I go around Booster Justice-ing, I can NEVER connect to boosters. Never.
Earlier... >Ground War >Skidrow >Domination At the end of the big hallway, where the stairs are sat 5 guys. Mr. Souperintendent with...
The Barrett .50cal is an overpowered piece of s**t. I close quarters if you have rapid fire just unleash hell, then at long range just pick...
Not much, but what do you think? [IMG] [IMG]
...did you play the game for more than 4 minutes? I felt, at first, the game was disappointing. Why? I had no clue where to go. However, I soon...
One word to describe: DAMN! Keep it up!
Ah, aha! Good thing I took this one just a few days ago! [IMG]
I have recently taken a few non-staged screenshots from Games I played and randomly. Here they are, best one last. Tension [IMG]...
Torn: BEST OF THEM ALL. The Prodigy: Meh, it's OK, but I've seen so many Special effect Turret pics. Snowy Flakes: What? To Die: I like the...
The Secret: Eh, nice, but without the guy standing in the way, I'd like it more. Lost Cause: This one's my favorite. Guerrier de Sang: What does...