For some reason I find that I hit no-scopes more often when my sensitivity is high... don't know why... I play on 7. In Halo 3 I played on 10.
This was done for game-balancing issues.
An AR would usually win that situation anyways, at least, from my experiences. If that were a problem that the vast majority of the Halo...
You're right. In a normal situation, it won't make your shots less accurate. However, what it does, is it makes you less accurate. No, that is not...
The only efficient way I've found to go up in elevation in the pelican is to tilt the nose of the pelican forward, then back up, which makes no...
Reading your reply made me lol. I can truly understand your reasoning now. That reply really lightened my mood... lol.
Honestly, Chan, you should really clean up your post to be less... how do I put this... don't curse so much? Second, I don't really agree with...
Hmm... there's a boxed map in your signature.
I 100% agree with every idea that you expressed. Bungie should seriously consider this.
You are correct in your reasoning, but this thread was not posted to point out a major flaw in the game, it was posted to point out something the...
Equal chance: Obviously you didn't read and/or get my entire post. "If a player skillfully throws a grenade, the player should be able to equally...
Melee: The cool down timer for a melee is around 1 second, not much time to turn the tide of a battle. There's no fine print, you just can't...
Everything except the rocket launcher, and maybe the sniper, lol. The rocket requires absolutely no skill to acquire a kill with, you just have to...
I'm not asking for the grenades to be nerfed, I'm asking for the damage to not bleed through. No wonder it was so easy to beat someone in close...
On offline profiles you gain credits for time spent, not amount of kills or anything like that. You don't get credits for watching videos in...
Who says Bungie doesn't change things? They introduced armor abilities, a new credit system, and much more armor customization than practically...
The grenade was overpowered in Halo 3 as well, and the pistol was less powerful in Halo 3 than in Halo: Reach. Also, there always things that a...
Ah, I've never known of the sign function. I wonder when I will learn of it.
I've had a video in my Halo 3 file share of two Bungie employees modding on Valhalla for 6 months now and I've never been banned. However, that...
No, I did get a Running Riot, I just didn't get a Rampage... Oh, and don't worry, I will keep playing...