That's the reason? That's why they left out so much stuff? That's it? ARE YOU ****ING SHITTING ME 343i
WUT [spoiler] This looks really nice for a forger like yourself. The aesthetics are clean, pleasing, and definitely present a Forerunner...
Meet the Pyro. Meet the Pyro - YouTube
I have a Waterworks successor in my fileshare (gt: TrivialProdigy), check it out if you'd like. Still needs lots of testing.
Want to check out the map with me tonight? I also need someone to make a simple banner for it, if you want to.
Whenever I go into matchmaking (I'm a general grade 4) I always get paired up with colonels or officers or other low-ranks. Every. Single. Time....
Alright, I've been thinking, and there's really only two things that I REALLY want from 343i (in addition to my other posts) *More dynamic...
Sweet, I can finally post my Waterworks re-imagination that I know everyone's been dying to see. [spoiler]
I hate to advertise my own map (and I hope this isn't considered that) but I have been working on a remake of Waterworks from Halo 2. As far as I...
Remakes, remakes everywhere.
Yeah, I didn't realize back then that you guys were officially testing maps. What was/is wrong with it? Aesthetics? Vehicles? Have any suggestions?
I made some changes to Waterworks (neutral banshee, anti-banshee weapons like genade launchers, etc.) and put it on my fileshare if you want to...
I made some changes to Waterworks (neutral banshee, anti-banshee weapons, etc.) and put it on my fileshare if you want to give me some feedback.
Hey everyone. So about two weeks back I posted that I would be doing a remake/re-imagination of Halo 2's Waterworks. I finally got some pictures,...
You're in luck then. The map is done and I'm trying to get it tested tonight (spread the word!) and you're welcome to help. Edited by merge: I...
Does anyone want to play some Minecraft multiplayer with me this week? I still need someone to play with/show me the ropes.
I'm disappointed that we can't use Elites in MM anymore. But what about customs?
Ah, the hole. Have no clue how I missed that one.
Besides the banshees, what other issues did you have in mind?