Ah Okay, i know what you mean, but I've always heard it called geomerging, not interlocking, THX.
Ya, Same here
No, a beam rifle is a particle accelerator of some sort i believe, anyway, any more feedback on the map? Anyone want to help me test it out?
Nice, although I think the second bridge could use some work, just add some aesthetics maybe?
lol yeah i fixed that mess up, although a plasma sniper would be cool....
:) Hey, thanks, it's nice to have some encouragement!(most of my close by friends are not all too interested in forge.)
try it i know what you mean, but try downloading it and looking around/ playing on it and tell me what you think.
Mason's hill is team play oriented map. Unlike most crypt maps, it is made to include vehicles, and offers ample space for maneuverability. These...
thx for the advice, I will probably switch out either the swords or shotguns, and just so I know,what do you mean by interlocking?
thx thanks for that, ill fix it, anyway, what do you think of the map?
Edifice. [IMG] This map is build for close to mid-range slayer-brawl games. The map is multi-leveled, with many places to get if you jump a bit....