lol if it broke just now id laugh but that would suck. Daaaaaaamn nice map btw holy good god man thats incredible
lol np man ask anything ya need. I have about 5 minutes worth just tell me the video and were good
You released now lol. Im not the first to say but COOL! This map kicks ass testing was a blast and Forging is great. I love the aesthetics to the...
Grats man
Okay your saying you can change the settings like you didn't even make a gametype for it and you can make your own. Thats really not saying like...
I see
Whats your picture mean?
Touching something all right
Merry Christmas YouTube- Big Sur Moon-Merry Christmas Just a stupid Video I made because I was really bored look if ya want YouTube- Short...
hells ya man if your on live we'll talk about it
You released it. I love the map idea. Only thing that really pissed me off were the banshees but that's me. Easily a 4/5 only because the banshees...
Well idea wise aint bad. Forgings okay. Nothing wrong with post. But a few map suggestions. People make a room with at least 1 of every single...
Ill draw the freakin Line. THIS IS NOT A MAP There is barely 1 to no items on the map and hes juts inside part of the damn map. There is no...
In one way we all have God in our lives. Maybe not as the savior or Christian God but a person we look up to or believe in.
lol I helped at least
I rendered P2. P1 was 4 render points and I only had 3 left. Sorry man
Well I wouldn't say this is really like blood gulch but its forged well. Its just a little...bland and if you were to look at some of the other...
Kill the Song Above With Something Better Lets Start... YouTube- Buckethead - Intro - Park Theme
Lol im not gonna lie. Me and my buddies do paintball maps and there will be an upcoming thread on that eventually but i need a small place and im...
aight thanks man