I love the clocktower. Thats some of the neatest teleporter placements ive ever seen. It must have takes ages:lol:
That tail is really unusual. It kind of reminds me of a tadpolls tail! Actually transformers dont usually have tails so it seams out of place but...
Needs pink armour!:lol:
Im going to have to agree with the title on this one thats weired! What map is it?:shiver:
I can see this becoming a fan favorite just like the other cats and mice but the bridges up to the higher areas should be wider because a wraith...
I love the halo 3 tricks im always checking to see if you have anything new and ive watched all the old ones and tried many of them. I also made a...
I definatly wouldnt know that was weopons unless you had said something. It just looks like a moniter exploding. What did you do to get the bright...
This is what people call a puzzle map rather than a maze but apart from that its fine and some of the puzzles look difficult but whats so bad...
Dragons rock i mean the shenlong dragon was a great map aswell!:lol:
Adult cartoons are the only cartoons worth watching anymore like family guy and the simpsons. The last good cartoon i watched was megas xlr (loved...
What will the third map be though?:confused:
I cant belive i and clearly many others have never noticed this before. Bungie really hide some stuff well dont they. Not the really important...
This is the best MLG map ive seen in my opion because although MLG maps play well they always look a little dull to me but this one looks really...
Got to eat at burger king more often!:lol::haha:
It is lucky you get the killonaire just as you are blown to hell!:lol:
Thats the most painful thing ive ever seen!
That was epic you guys wish i could have been there!! :lol::haha:
This is really cleaver it looks just like wall-e and the fact that youve made it playable is even better!
I cant see it its looks like halo 3 armor to me?:confused:
This is a great map and is increadibly fun and orgional and so much better than grifball i just wish i knew how they made the fusion coil...