Ha, I did a search to see if any Paradox Forgers had posted a map preview. This looks sick Mander, I love the story and the changes you've been...
Hey this looks pretty cool. Downloading now and I'll get back to you with feedback. I play a lot of puzzles so I'll know if this is any good or not.
Ah, I was looking for this thread. I played this just a bit ago and it was really cool from what I can tell. There was clearly a lot of thought...
Now here's a puzzle map that deserves more recognition. The forging is gorgeous and you have some cool challenges here from what I can tell. Great...
I was going to ask how this thread was so popular seeing as this is a mediocre puzzle at best, but now I see that it's just two people commenting...
I like the style of this map. The layout and gameplay are it's strong points, but it looks pretty plain, so the aesthetics could've been amped up...
Ah ok, thanks for clearing it up. I did kinda know though that it wasn't a matter of you refusing them, and was just saying that it would have...
Wow, thanks for the link. Is it really over 20 minutes! That's rediculous. Does he screw up a lot or what? I guess I will need some popcorn, lol!
Wow, I can't believe I haven't seen this before now. It looks great and that's awesome that you got some Paradox Forgers in on it. It's too bad...
I've played this track many times and it's phenomenal. This is why your one of my favorite forgers Slik, you really take time and dedication when...
You've disgraced the Canadians, lol kidding. This is an okay race track, but not the norm since the corners aren't banked. I suggest a v2 would...
Wait where did you find the walkthrough video Dont? I tried playing this map again last weekend but forget what to do around challenge 14. I...
This map was fun and had some great ideas, but it's relatively easy for a Buddha map. Nice job though!
Hmm, I think even I make better maps than this, n offence. I think you could have put more time into this, because honestly, it looks like it took...
I love racetracks. I never keep them on my hardrive for very long though, because I'm always switching up the tracks for a new one. This one looks...
I played this long ago. It's one of the best outside-of-sanbox infection maps I've played. Is this the final version?
Excellent, excellent map man! It was well worth the wait. I tried it for a full week and got to challenge 14 (i think) before I had to get my...
This is a phenomenal puzzle map, and I give kudos to ForgeHub for featuring it. I know that they don't often feature puzzle maps but it's a really...
I loved the movie and this is an incredible remake. Even without the title I would've recognized this remake. I also think I remember seeing a...
Ha, Mander found a break in your puzzle? Yeah he does that. What a jerk. Lol, jk Mander. Oh, and tough puzzle. I couldn't get past the chopper...