Lesson Type: Srafing/BR Time request entered: 7:29, 9/01 Desired Lesson Time: 2:30 - 7:00, 9/3 or 4 GamerTag: IxShrpShooterxI Lesson Level:...
you could make a maze of blocks that they have to navigate on and if they step on the wrong block they die 1. Make a field of raised up blocks...
There are just 2 random sigs that i made for fun using photoshop cs2 Sig 1: [IMG] Sig 2: [IMG] cnc please :)
i see, thanks :D
ive been watching the latest mlg tourney and ive noticed that some players (neighbor) will randomly move their crosshairs in a small circle very...
you are wrong right off the bat. you are assuming that everyone in mlg is uber beast and could beat anyone with their constant 4 shots and sniper...
^^^i totally agree with that. it seems that people would rather whine and cry to someone else then simply mute the person who they have the...
do you think it would be possible to make like a funnel with walls too steep to stand on that forces the players down into the basement level...
hmm, well it appears that i am the only one who voted no >.< (so far..) anyways, i think a time limit on the game is better than a destination...
i use 3. i used to play on 5 but it seemed to mess up my snipes and its really hard to noscope that high so i lowered it back down to default
i feel like the gravity hammer is a very overlooked weapon, but it shouldnt be! there are so many cool things you can do with it (deflecting...