there is nothing at all wrong with this map like u can hit them in the mid that works well and even if u hit then outa the map they die awsome job!
i agree wiv most of them. it needs a bit more time and it wsould be better if there were bigger like the housess and prob all the bases but a part...
i love these types of maps coz u dont have 2 start all over agine if u fall or something. and its good coz its not 2 easy or not 2 hard good job.
hey i love playing this game it so should be like in action sack or something
yer i loved this map i played wiv some friends and was gana say i spoted 2 problams the 1 wiv the tp u can hide in the corner :( and yeh a 5th one...
this was a fun map and i think bungie need 2 look at some more cool maps for dub xp or something coz grifball is all same now and they got the new...
looks a fun map 2play so u got my dl 4/5.
map is awsome would be good if u could of made house bigger but yeh good job 5/5
hey np man looks sick odst =)
Hey if anyone wants to play some halo3 anytime wiv me and some friends just add me thanks aa CoCoNuT...