1. the geomerged double wall, the right side is "higher" than the left. (not you fault, its because of forge) 2. the bridge ramp, i dont like the...
FAIL The wall you called "clean" is very sloppy xD ^^ exept for the wall you are right, finaly a better map on fh again. there are some parts i...
12-16 players? your map only has 2 ways to get out of each base, you couldnt even play 1o1 with a map design like this. the hornet catwalks dont...
? .. ?? ... srsly? wow, you are ruining your own map. why is there a cross in front of a treehouse? why is there a cross in front of a spaceship?...
the addictiveness of Amplified? the fun of Lockdown? do you actually want people to download your map?
I havent played it, but from the pictures your map lookes like a "look-what-i-can-do-in-forge"-map. + You have way to many weapons and stuff on...
Im no fan of red os (personaly), its too weak and the "invincible-time" after it gets picked up is too long. What about that: - Dont move Camo -...
1. I know it doesnt matter, but when you play with a team of mlg 50s, they all know what to do, call out, are a team, when you play with lower...
No scrubs ^^ everyone was 45+ in the MLG Playlist, 5 MLG 50s. As i said before, i think v6 is just fine. Is very hard to place more powerweapons...
Sandbox (crypt) is way to big for foundry remakes. We saw it with Onslaught (Foundry Ons = Best. Map. Ever. ...Sandbox Ons = Fail) We saw it with...
gold is way to overpowerd now. With the right setup we dominated the other team 50-12, 50-22 and 50-20 and even worste on ball. Camo: When your...
Thats denying for me ... And yes, i expect you to build your own wall and your own crane blockers, why? Because the onlaught wall and cranes are...
Your trying to deny it? Wow. Just wow. You want to tell me you made a perfect wall and a perfect crane block, but the rest of your map is just...
Personal Touch when you steel the Wall and the cranes from onlaught? Yeah dude, pretty personal touch ... I played 1 round with 6 peolpe and 1...
looks pretty well made, but boring, i dont see anything special ... i played it with 5 friends, its boring and bad to play (like the other f2p...
Walls always get bumpy after saving the map. I have one question about the map, why is there a hill in the middle? Higher gravity? If yes, why...
I just looked at the pictures, after that i looked at the title and thought "wtf? colossus?" trying to remake colossus is pretty brave, because...
looks and plays amazing, but be a little more creative with the name next time, there are lots of lockdowns out there (mlg lockdown, ...)
its a warm up map, colors are irrelevant i think ... but anyway, great job and definitely more fun than other warm up maps