I dearly hope that's sarcasm.
did you name this after a Bungie Favorites Screenshot?
yes, but what does selecting asymmetrical or symmetrical for an object actually do?
ok i will release both versions. just out of curiosity, what does the symmetrical and asymmetrical feature do?
As the title says, I would like to know how to make different weapons appear only in certain gametypes. For example, the map im working on is good...
is it possible to make them 0 points? That way you can melee to get out of a tight spot.
Ah, thanking for that correction. I believe my mistake came when the map was first posted, and there was no game-type explanation. Then later when...
...you Do realize that BR duels can end in mere seconds, as some people get constant four shots, and even those who dont can kill pretty easily....
...i thought you were going to take away the E. is Xile taken?
quick noob question: what is atlas? sorry Im so new, Im still working on my first map lol.
wow. i believe this is the map you showed me to download before you released it, I loved it then, and still love it now! As before where you said...
haha, when I opened this I thought it would be a remake of Pavilion from GOW2 like your map River. Well on to things, aesthetics are really nice,...
yes, but I dont want the crate to be moved by a rocket launcher, grenade, etc.
As stated in the title, I need to know how to do this, specifically for my new map. I need to put a crate on top of a double box in order to make...
(Under) Siege Survive (One team is surviving from the more powerful one?) Cat and Mouse (Same as above) Underdog
update: the glitch has been fixed. I just have to start a new round! Thanks to everyone who tried helping!
alright thanks!
cool thanks. just as clarification, which one of my questions does that answer? and also, so your basically bringing the entire object u want to...
i dont believe I used a block from the original canvas...I have an empty canvas I use for all my maps at the start.
thanks for that, Ill try it!